Christmas Is Back

March 23, 2022
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By Contributor: Dave Mueller

Every year our pastor Sam Whicker gives me a special Christmas gift; he allows me to preach a sermon during the Advent season. I love Christmas and I am especially moved by ALL things Christmas in the Gospels and the prophets. So, I have a few lingering thoughts from this past Christmas that I wanted to share. Almost twenty years ago our family, Jo Ann, myself and our then three teenagers were celebrating on Christmas day exchanging gifts. All the presents were opened and then it dawned on me that some presents we had purchased had not been opened. Where were they? Just then I remembered where I had stashed a whole big bag of presents! Someone yelled out, “Christmas is back!” We have been quoting that line ever since. As you read this, I hope you can feel a little bit like we did that Christmas morning and for a moment or two think about the Christmas story again.

As I was reflecting on Christmas the other day, I started thinking about the visit of the wisemen. I really hadn’t heard much about them this past Christmas; so, I began reading in Matthew to see what I could ponder. There are a lot of questions about the wisemen that have come up over the centuries: Who were they? How many were there? Where did they come from? What was the timing associated with their visit? I will leave all of that to your own study; I have my own thoughts about all those questions. In this article I wanted to concentrate on what we do know about the wisemen and apply this knowledge to our new year before us. So, what do we know about and what can we learn from the wisemen?

Consider the following lessons from the wisemen:

  1. They were STUDENTS! It is evident that they were studying the stars and whether they a
  2. ctually knew of the Old Testament prophets’ predictions of a coming Messiah or whether it was just God revealing Himsel
    f through His creation doesn’t matter. If they hadn’t been studying, they wouldn’t have come. Psalm 19:1 tells us, “The heavens declare the glory of God…” and Romans 1:19,20 tells us, “19 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them.20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. The wisemen had what is called General Revelation, but we have Special Revelation, the Word of God. In 2022 may we be STUDENTS of the Word.
  3. They were men of ACTION! Having noticed and studied this new phenomenon (the star) they made application of their studies and went to investigate. They only had the revelation and some presuppositions, but they acted on it. What will God reveal to you in and through His Word this year? They say, ‘knowledge is power’, but true power is only revealed in action! In 2022 may we apply the Word of God to our lives and put into ACTION what God reveals to us.
  4. They were men of JOY! After the wisemen saw Herod and found out from the Jewish religious leaders where the Messiah was to be born, they headed for Bethlehem. Matthew 2:9,10 relates that “After listening to the king, they went on their way. And behold, the star that they had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.” I am not sure what that kind of joy looks like, but I want to be that kind of follower of Christ. I want 2022 to be one where I experience the leading of God in my life and am exceedingly overjoyed at the prospect of ‘journeying with Jesus.’ In 2022 may we be people of GREAT JOY!
  5. They were men of WORSHIP! When they finally found the Christ child “they fell down and worshipped him.” These were Gentiles who came to worship the King of Kings! I saw a church sign this season which read: The manger was the first KING SIZED BED. Herod had cynically asked to be kept informed so that he too could worship him. The wisemen evidently had revealed their worship intentions to Herod. Is this an intention of your heart this year? In 2022 may we intend to be a people of WORSHIP both individually and corporately!
  6. They were OBEDIENT! These wisemen were warned in a dream not to return to Herod and they obeyed the voice of the Lord! It is doubtful that God will speak to me in a dream this year because He has so much to say to me directly from His Word. The great question is will I listen and obey. One of my favorite hymns has always been Trust and Obey. John Sammis, the hymnwriter, encourages us that along life’s journey the most joy can be found when we simply ‘trust and obey’. In 2022 may we be OBEDIENT to the Word and to the call of God on our lives.

Finally, we learn that the wisemen, after being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, “departed to their own country another way.” In context, we assume this is talking about the route that they took home. My GPS drives me crazy as it never wants to take me home from somewhere the same way that it got me there! Yes, they took a different route. BUT I firmly believe they also returned to their country “another way.” A way that was different from when they came. They were CHANGED men as in they came one way and left completely changed. They had seen the Christ child, the Son of God; they had presented Him gifts; they had worshipped Him; and, they had heard the voice of the Lord directing them! All of this will change a person. I am praying that we, as a congregation, will follow the example of the wisemen in the above manner. In 2022 may it be our heart’s desire for Christ to CHANGE us and make us hungry students (disciples), people of action, joy, worship, and obedience. As you see God working in your life this year YOU can also say, “Christmas is back!” May God bless YOU in 2022!

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