Resource Round-Up

April 7, 2022
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Preparing Children for Resurrection Sunday

written by Jill Nelson, Truth78,  April 5, 2022

There is probably no more joyful celebration in the church year than that of Resurrection Sunday—Easter. We gather to worship together in glad adoration, greeting one another with the loud and joyous refrain, “He is risen! He is risen indeed!” Children sense the excitement—the music, pageantry, beauty, and other special traditions that often accompany the day in which we rightly recall Christ’s victorious resurrection. But it is equally important that we give children a proper context in which to understand this day, namely, what came before it—the crucifixion of Jesus.


*NOTE: All the resources mentioned at the end of Jill’s article are available either in our church library or by contacting Wendy! 


Ginger Hubbard Podcast: Listener Ideas for a Christ-Centered Easter

Ginger Hubbard,  April 4, 2022

Episode Description: Are you looking for new and fun ways to keep Jesus the center of your Easter celebration this year? Join Ginger Hubbard and Katy Morgan for a special episode where we share some of your favorite ideas and traditions for the Easter season that focus on the resurrection of Christ.



Darkest Night, Brightest Day Easter Devotionals

A few weeks ago we shared copies of Darkest Night, Brightest Day with the Children’s Ministry families. This Easter devotional by Marty Machowski is similar to those we typically use for Advent; you begin on Palm Sunday with The Darkest Night and read one short story a day following the events of the Passion Week, Maundy Thursday, and Christ’s crucifixion. On Resurrection Sunday you’ll flip the book over and begin reading The Brightest Day, with seven more stories covering the events after Jesus’ resurrection through Pentecost. There are a few copies left on the table in the back of the sanctuary – make sure to snag a copy if you haven’t already and be ready to begin this Sunday!



. . . and on a different note – Missionary Stories!

by Kim Sorgius, Not Consumed Ministries

In this blog post, Kim shares an experience I clearly recall from my own early homeschool days; In my zealous enthusiasm at homeschool conventions and in catalog-perusing, I had purchased numerous books about missionaries all over the globe. I had idealistic visions of cuddling on the couch with my wide-eyed little ones, reading them story after story of faithful men and women who courageously served God while facing down lions or men with machetes. Inevitably the books sat on the shelf, untouched and unread, for longer than I care to admit, until I pulled one down on a rainy day when we were all bored and looking for something to do. Minutes turned to hours as we read through story after story – how did we not know how good these books were? Why did we not start reading them sooner?

Perhaps you can relate? In her blog, Kim not only shares her experience but also a list of missionary books her children love. You may recognize a few familiar covers from our church library, and others may be worth searching out. If you find a new series that you think needs to be in our library, I could be persuaded to order them – hint! hint! But there are already so many good titles in our biography section (for all ages!) that could keep you busy well into the summer . . . so check them out, cuddle up, and get reading!



Worship Jams for your Little Ones

Seeds Family Worship has created several Spotify playlists for families to use anytime, anywhere – kids’ worship songs, Scripture memory songs, lullabies, and much more! So whether you’re driving, eating lunch, settling down for naps, or hanging in the back yard, you’ll always have something good to listen and sing to.


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